What its interesting about this type of article is that it gives details on what one should know on a given technology. You can then compare this to your own knowledge and identify any gaps in your knowledge.
For me I gather a number of topics I feel are missing from my JavaScript knowledge, which includes:
- call
- apply
- bind
- map / reduce
- closures
- prototype ( as you may recall from my last post )
So in order for me to go forward in node.js and company, I must at least have a passing knowledge of how what all of these topics mean. I say passing knowledge because mastery will come with use. So step one, what the heck is "call".
Before I look at what a call is I ran across this article ( http://hangar.herokuapp.com/javascript/guide ) which was recommended by another article. It is a great refresher on the basics of JavaScript that we should all be familiar with, provided you have made any web page with some JavaScript on it. It then quickly builds on the basics and goes into more advanced features of the language like scope and prototypes.
For Call, Apply and Bind read this post from StackOverflow.com ( http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15455009/javascript-call-apply-vs-bind ) Of particular interest is the 2nd answer by "CuriousSuperhero". While not the selected answer, it gives a set of very simple examples on how these are used and what makes them different.
Another great article on the difference between apply and call can be found at ( https://hangar.runway7.net/javascript/difference-call-apply ) and here ( http://javascriptissexy.com/javascript-apply-call-and-bind-methods-are-essential-for-javascript-professionals/ ) for a very detailed read on call, apply and bind.
On Map and Reduce ( https://www.sitepoint.com/map-reduce-functional-javascript/ )
On Closures this makes for a good read ( http://javascriptissexy.com/understand-javascript-closures-with-ease/ )
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